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📌Affair-Proof Your Marriage📌

According to the Statistic Brain Research Institute, one (or both) spouses admit to either physical or emotional infidelity in 41 percent of marriages—

with 57 percent of men and

51 percent of women admitting to infidelity in any of their relationships.

The disheartening conclusion: Cheating is as common as fidelity.

Men have affairs mostly for recreational sex, and women have affairs most often to find love and connection. These general trends may not cover every specific instance, but, if we want to affair-proof our marriage we need to develop more self-awareness.

  1. Be yourself and do the best you can to be loving in a way that works for you.

  2. Acknowledge that neither you or your partner ever stopped being sexual beings. (You’re both still sexually attractive—and attracted to others.)

  3. Make it OK to talk about temptation before it becomes real temptation.

Affair-proofing a marriage is like fireproofing your home. No home is ever made incapable of burning down—we only reduce (not eliminate) the risks of a disaster by taking proactive measures.

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