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👨‍👦‍👦How To Get Through Father’s Day No Matter How Strained The Relationship Is👨‍👧‍👦

Writer's picture: BoundarySolutionsBoundarySolutions

Remember that even though your relationship with your dad may not be perfect, Fathers Day is a day to acknowledge that they ARE your dad, not a day to rate their success in the job.

Kindness and forgiveness are essential to all of our relationships, and even though there may be unresolved issues with your father, use this as a chance to be kind.

Here are some tips on how to get through Father’s Day if your relationship with your dad isn’t fantastic-

💼Prepare yourself emotionally and mentally

Before meeting your father, remind yourself that his hurtful statements or obnoxious behavior towards you has nothing to do with you. Toxic people do and say things that are a reflection of how they feel about themselves, which is why they end up projecting insecurities and self-hatred onto other people. That’s why you have to mentally prep and remember that their hurtful behavior is not your fault.

💼 Still respect and love him

Yes, we know — it may be hard to feel love toward him if you’ve had a less-than-great relationship with your dad, but Father’s Day is a day to take the high road. This is for your own sake, so you can rest your head on your pillow knowing that you did the best you could.

💼Still send positive thoughts his way

You may not be on speaking terms with your dad, and that’s okay. But you can still wish him the best, even telepathically. You can still come from a place of kindness and send him as much love as you can muster up by sending him good thoughts and positive vibes. This will actually help you more than him in the long run, because you’ll let go of some of the anger you might be harboring toward him. The only way to heal your relationship with your dad within yourself.

💼 Use Humor

For example, before entering your dad’s home, remind yourself you are not dealing with a logical person and tell yourself, ‘And now I am boarding the crazy train’ as a way to remind you that you are fully expecting ‘crazy.’

💼Have an exit strategy

Perhaps you decide to give in and see your dad on Father’s Day, even though you know it may be challenging. Well, having a way out of the situation can certainly make it more bearable, especially if things start to get a little hairy and uncomfortable.

💼Remember no one is perfect, not even your dad

We’d like to think our parents are perfect, but that’s rarely the case — no one is. Remember that your dad is human and humans aren’t perfect. When we are able to come from a place of kindness and compassion, we can see that our dads have their hurts, too.

This doesn’t give your dad permission to treat you poorly, but it does give you perspective on why he is the way he is.

If your relationship with your dad is really starting to wear on you, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. This will help you work through your own emotions, as well as help you become the type of parent you want to be in the future.

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