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🙄She’s Not Flirting! You’re At Her Job!🙄

As a female who has worked in customer service I have had men ask me out daily as I’m sure a lot of other females can relate to. It comes off as incredibly creepy and can often times make us feel uncomfortable. It’s sad how to most people this isn’t obvious. Of course asking someone out doesn’t hurt anyone but please don’t take me being nice to you as flirting especially when I am working and this is my job.

Guys, I can assure you that 99 percent of the time, if a female working in hospitality is being very nice to you, it’s because it is part of her job, not because she is romantically or sexually interested in you. I’m not saying that you cannot meet a potential partner this way. But if you try to get her number or suggest to meet up somewhere when she is not working and declines or looks uncomfortable, cut it out.

Learn the difference between “I’m friendly because I am attracted to you” and “I’m friendly because it is part of my job.” Appreciate people in customer service jobs, and don’t make their experience more challenging because of your unwanted advances.

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