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😞Struggling To Make It Through Valentines Day😞

You’ve been committed to your self love journey, you’ve been nurturing your relationships with friends and family, and still, Valentine’s Day sucks. And that’s completely normal.  

This holiday puts such an emphasis on romantic love and it’s hard not to feel all the feels, no matter how much you try to reframe it to be about celebrating all the other love in your life. If you're struggling through today, we want you to know you're not alone. Here are a few tips to get you through:

  • Stay off social media for the next few days.

  • Do something outdoors, like a walk or a hike.

  • Don’t shame yourself for feeling the way do.

  • Spend some time on your Mend monument.

  • Do an act of kindness for someone else.

  • Sign up for a class and learn something new.

If you’re needing a little extra support right now, our heartbreak program is a helpful companion for the mending journey. The program guides you through: 

  • Doing an ex detox

  • Building a deeper relationship with yourself

  • Practicing self care

  • Regaining your confidence

  • Getting ready to open yourself to love again

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