The 12 most common problems that prevent people from staying in their relationships-
1.Fading enthusiasm. The top concern has to do with the difficulty of sustaining energy and enthusiasm in a long-term relationship. Many partners find long-term relationships to be tiring and they get bored quickly. They also feel that the passion and romantic intensity fades sooner than expected.
2. Long work hours. Some have speculated that divorce rates can be predicted by the length of a spouse’s commute. Partners who spend many hours working or put their careers ahead of their relationships are less likely to sustain a relationship.
3.Lack of personal time and space. Feeling ‘suffocated’ or lacking sufficient ‘me time’. People who feel controlled by their relationship, or feel that their partner is constantly nagging them, will have issues sustaining their relationship.
4.Character issues. People who view themselves as quirky or selfish also have difficulty sustaining long-term romantic relationships. People who complain often to their romantic partners — also find it difficult to maintain a relationship for the long haul.
5.Clinginess. Clingy partners — people who become easily dependent on others and put their partner’s needs ahead of their own — have difficulty maintaining romantic relationships. People who exercise constant control over their partner, or easily become jealous of their partner, also have difficulty sustaining relationships (especially when coupled with a tendency to expect too much of their partner)
6.Bad sex. Sexual chemistry is important to the long-term success of a relationship. Couples who disagree about the frequency and quality of sexual intimacy will find it difficult to maintain their relationship.
7.Infidelity and abuse. Lacking sexual interest in a partner, or engaging in infidelities, is one reason that prevents relationships from lasting. Abuse, especially physical violence, is another reason.
8.Children. Some couples with children report feeling that their kids absorb too much of their energy which can lead to relationship dissolution. Frequent disagreements about how to parent is another reason that leads to relationship issues.
9.Lack of effort. All relationships require effort and some couples simply run out of steam. Individuals who do not take their partners’ needs into consideration, or neglect their partner, face serious relationship challenges. The form of relationships neglect are ‘becoming distant,’ ‘taking one’s partner for granted,’ ‘not being honest,’ ‘not compromising.’
10.Social circle issues. Individuals who do not have good relationships with their partners’ parents, relatives, and friends also find it difficult to sustain their romantic relationships.
11.Not being monogamous. Individuals who have difficulty resisting temptations and engage in adultery or affairs have difficulty sustaining long-term relationships. Simply feeling like one is ‘missing opportunities,’ or constantly making comparisons with previous relationships, without engaging in an affair, is enough to drive a wedge between a couple.
12.Behavioral issues. Psychological problems, addiction (for example, gambling or alcohol) and having to rely on family members to engage relationship interventions are all signs that a romance may not last.