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😶If He Acts Like He Doesn’t Care, Believe Him😶

We’ve all been in toxic relationships from time to time. You know the ones — the guy treats you like crap but you keep running back to him. It’s messed up and you know it, but you keep telling yourself that he’ll change, that he really does love you.

Time for a reality check: if he

treats you like he doesn’t care, he clearly doesn’t. Respect yourself enough to walk away from him.

  • Actions speak louder than words.

  • He’s telling you he’s done without having the balls to say it. 

  • The more you try to chase him, the more he’ll run. 

  • He’s making you look like a damn fool.

  • He’s emotionally draining you. 

  • The more you put up with his BS, the more he’ll do it. 

  • Life’s way too short to waste time with someone who doesn’t care. 

  • Don’t delude yourself and think you’re in the wrong.

  • Don’t get used to being treated like crap. 

  • If this guy can’t give you respect, he isn’t worth your time. 

  • Trust me, he’ll realize what he’s lost when you walk away. 

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